The Benefit of Medicine Plant

From the past until now herbs or medicinal plants to cure various diseases. But unfortunately many Indonesian citizens now even prefer health products abroad than the country itself. In fact do not need much - much to the city, the cost is very expensive, in our country is much richer and natural in terms of treatment. Let's identify the various types of medicinal plants and benefits.

The Benefit of Medicine Plant

Medicinal Plants or what we call the herb so many kinds and benefits, ranging from lightweight able to cure diseases and even disease to disease heavyweight. In addition it also has a lot of medicinal plants proven effective compared with drugs - drugs are mixed with chemicals. Then just have him some medicinal plants that you can use as a home Alternative Herb Medicine.

The Benefit of Medicine Plant

Herbal plant
1. Celery (Apium Graviolens)
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Perhaps one plant is not familiar to us, in addition to good use as a flavor enhancer turns celery also serves as a natural remedy because it is rich in calcium, phosphorus etc.
Examples of celery can be used as medicine Uric Acid. The trick Simply boiled some celery seeds to a glass of boiled water and drink it every morning.
2. Blustru (Luffa Aegyptica Mill)
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Blustru or commonly called the Sweet Cassava (In Sunda called Field Oyom or in Palembang called Hurung Java) is a medicinal plant that has been granted for generations. But now rarely used even most people do not know what form it Blustru plants. Blustru can be used as Asthma Drugs, washing telebih first trick leaves young blustru save over hot rice (can be stored above when cooking rice) and eat as lalaban every day.
3. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack)
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Pasak Bumi
This plant grows in Indonesia Kalimantan area. Tongkat ali can help improve testosterone levels in men and increase sexual desire in men. It is also capable of being Premature Ejaculation Drugs. Many herbal shop sells stake this earth is usually in the form of tea, coffee, etc. The dry form.
4. Noni (Morinda citrifolia)
Natural Ways to Treat Coronary heart
Noni has a name that is different - different in each region in the Sunda called Cangkudu example, in Aceh called Keumeude, and in Java called mengkudu. This plant is commonly grown in Aceh in every home residents (though not all) because it is usually used as a salad ingredient or iftar menu typical of Aceh. But do you know that Noni can be Drug Coronary heart and help prevent coronary heart disease. It's easy enough noni juice and strain the juice water add a little honey and drink 2 times a day after meals.
5. Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)
Natural Ways to Treat Cancer
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has been believed since ancient times as a beauty treatment and medication. Currently in Japan are developing research aloe vera as a Cancer Drug.
6. Fruit Makasar (Brucea Javanica)
Natural Ways to Treat Cervical Cancer
fruit Makasar
This plant has a very bitter and poisonous. However, when used properly and within their rumbuhan dose is capable of being treat Diabetes Mellitus because it can lower blood sugar levels in the body.
Besides fruit Napier also capable of being Cervical Cancer Drugs, How can the brew into half a cup and drink 2-3 times a day (Many Herbal shop selling dried fruit Napier so you do not have to strain hard to grind or dry them yourself).
7. Starfruit (Carambola Averrhoa)
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Sweet star fruit contains vitamin C, B, A, Protein, Calcium etc. Belimbing.
In addition to good taste is also capable of becoming Drugs High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure Lowering. do not eat enough of star fruit every day after meals.
8. Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
Natural Ways to Prevent Liver Cancer
Wild Ginger is a medicinal plant that contains Curcumin Indonesia useful as Anti Inflammatory or Anti Poisoning Gall. Although ginger is not capable of being Liver Cancer Drug, yet unable to stop because of the ginger ginger is able to treat Hepatitis B which acts as a major factor Liver Cancer.
9. Daun Dewa (Gynura Divaricata)
Natural Ways To Treat Stroke
Daun Dewa
From the name aja kerenkan, Daun Dewa is believed to have many health benefits. Dewa leaves contain essential oils, saponins etc. Daun Dewa bida used as medicine Stroke Disease or Stroke Disease Prevention advent. Able to also treat contusion and Lowering High Blood.
10. Distance (Ricinus communis)
The Benefit of Medicine Plant
Natural Ways To Treat Hernia
Commonly called Kaliki in West Java and Sumatra Dulang in Kalek Dimadura. Distance memuliki benefits on karnya as anti-rheumatic and calmed. In the seeds is sweet, spicy but neutral. Many seeds are used for medicine CANCER, hernia, rheumatism, tuberculosis etc. But when you cultivate Jatropha seeds into your herbs should be - careful because if excessive taking his medication will cause poisoning with traits - traits headache, vomiting and diarrhea, heat etc.
Actually The Benefit of Medicine Plant are very many kinds. From various regions across the country have their recipes - each in the process of herbal plants. When we return to the natural cure all kinds of diseases can be prevented and treated because the risk is very small. For Benefit of Medicine Plant drink herbal drinks such as herbal medicine, etc. so that a healthier body.

The Benefit of Medicine Plant
1. Temulawak (Curcuma xantorrhiza OXB) Bulbs hepatitis, arthritis
2. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) Bulbs hepatitis, arthritis, antiseptics
3. Garlic (Allium sativum Lynn) tuber Candidiasis, hyperlipidemia
4. Netherlan Teak (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) Leaf Anti hyperlipidemia
5. Handeuleum (purple leaves) (Gratophyllum pictum Griff) Hemorrhoids
6. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis Linn) leaves Nephrolithiasis, diuretics
7. Kejibeling (Strobilanthes crispus Bl) leaves Nephrolithiasis, diuretics
8. Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) Seeds Taeniasis
9. katuk (Sauropus androgynus Merr) Daun Increasing milk production
10. cat whiskers (Stamineus Orthosiphon Benth) leaves Diuretics
11. Celery (Apium graveolens Linn) Leaf Hypertension
12. Pare (Momordica charantia Linn) Fruit Seed Diabetes mellitus
13. Guava (klutuk) (Psidium guajava Linn) Leaf Diarrhea
14. Gulp (wudani) (Quisqualis indica Linn) seeds Ascariasis, oksiuriasis
15. Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale) Daun Analgesics
16. Betel (Piper betle Linn) leaves Antiseptic
17. Saga telik (Abrus precatorius Linn) leaves aphthous stomatitis
18. Sebung (Blumea D.C. balsamifera) leaves Analgesic, antipyretic
19. Parasite the (Loranthus spec, div.) Trunk Anti Cancer
20. Papaya (Carica papaya Linn) Gum Leaf Seed Source papain anti-malaria male contraception
21. Butrawali (Tinospora rumphii Boerl) rod Anti malaria, diabetes mellitus
22. Gotu kola (of hooves) (Centella asiatica Urban) leaves diuretics, antiseptics, antikeloid, hypertension
23. Legundi (Vitex trifolia Linn) leaves Antiseptic
24. inggu  (Ruta graveolens Linn) leaves analgesics, antipyretics
25. Sidowajah (Woodfordia floribunda Salibs) leaves antiseptic, diuretic
26. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) Fruit sedatives
27. Sambilata (Adrographis paniculata Nees) The whole plant leaf  Antiseptic, diabetes mellitus
28. Ginger (Ginger) (Zingibers Rosc officinale) tuber Analgesic. Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory
29. white pomegranate (Punica granatum Linn) fruit skin antiseptic, antidiarrheal
30. dringo (Acorus Calamus Linn) tuber sedatives
31. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swiqk) Fruit Coucgh