The Benefits of Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is certainly not foreign to you. Indonesian soil is very fertile and rich in various types of yam. In addition to easy to get, the sweet potato can also be
directly processed into a variety of snacks were tasty and delicious. Boiled sweet potatoes, for example, samples produced from potatoes that how it works fast and good to eat, especially in the rainy season. Unfortunately, the food of the potato is not the favorite type of food and usually just known as the food of the people in the countryside.

The Benefits of Sweet Potato

We know, the sweet potato is rich in antioxidants. The more intense the color, the more antioxidants. Test potatoes have a variety of colors, there are purple, red, pale yellow or white. Color depending on its type, soil type, climate and minerals.

With colors already interesting and function for health, there is no harm in making the sweet potato as a substitute for your snack. If the reason is not strong enough, here are some other benefits that you can get by eating sweet potatoes:

Immunity: The sweet potato is very rich in beta carotene, a major antioxidant, as well as a variety of other nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, iron and phosphorus. This makes the sweet potato as a great immune booster.

Inflammation: Although not included in the family ordinary potato, sweet potato also contains anti-inflammatory. Supported by the presence of beta-carotene, vitamin C and magnesium, the sweet potato is very effective in curing inflammation of both internal and external.

Asthma: The sweet potato is also effective in decongestants, bronchitis and lung cancer. That would relieve asthma. This is caused by distinctive aroma owned yams.

Bronchitis: The content of vitamin C, iron and other nutrients help curing bronchitis. The sweet potato is also believed to warm the body (probably because of the sweetness and other nutrients). The content also serves to bronchitis medicine, irrespective of other substances that can relieve congestion.

Arthritis: Beta carotene, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B complex to make the sweet potato as the right choice to cope with arthritis. Water boiled sweet potatoes can be applied to the joints to relieve pain from arthritis.

Digestion: In addition to good taste, fiber in sweet potatoes is also higher than other types of potatoes in general. If these two factors together with other minerals such as magnesium contained sweet potato, then this food is the right choice to help digestion. In addition, the sweet potato is also easy to digest and good for the stomach and small intestine.

Cancer: The content of beta-carotene, an antioxidant and an anti carcinogen main, which is the cause of the skin color of sweet potatoes and vitamin C, it is very important to cure various types of cancer. Especially cancers of the colon, small intestine, prostate, kidney and cancer in other organs.

Water balance: The fiber in sweet potatoes will help retain water. This maintains the fluid balance in the body.

Gastroenteritis: Sweet potato cozy effect in the stomach and small intestine. Vitamin B complex and vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium and calcium are very effective in relieving inflammation of the stomach. In addition, the fiber they contain sweet potatoes can prevent constipation and acid accumulation, because it will reduce the possibility of stomach ulcers. Anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of sweet potato can also reduce pain
and inflammation of the stomach.

Diabetes: People with diabetes are often advised to avoid foods that are sweet. This does not apply to the sweet potato. This food is effective in regulating blood sugar levels by helping insulin secretion and function. However, it does not mean that diabetics can eat sweet potatoes without rules. However, they can replace their carbohydrate intake with rice or sweet potatoes.

Weight gain: It is very easy to understand. The sweet potatoes are sweet and contain complex carbohydrates with vitamins and minerals that are easily digested. Therefore, the sweet potato is a source of energy and effective way to build muscles. For those of you who do not believe in themselves because the bones protruding to the surface of the skin, try eating these super foods. This method does not produce any side effects so it is safer than taking supplements muscle builder.

Another advantage: the sweet potato is also effective to stop the dependence on cigarettes, alcohol and certain narcotics. In addition, it is also very good for the health of veins and arteries. The concentration of beta carotene and phosphorus is very good for eye health and cardiovascular.

Chemical content in sweet potatoes are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, fiber, ash, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C and nicotinic acid. According to experts, Prof Hembing Wijayakusuma medicinal plants, sweet potatoes have chemical properties sweet, cool, astringent. Efficacious pharmacological effects as a tonic, to stop the bleeding. The part that can be utilized is sweet and leaves. The sweet potato can be used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus), How to take 100 grams of yam, 15 grams pumpkin skin Bligo (Benincasa hispida), and 50 grams of boiled avocado seed with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 500 cc. Then filtered and drunk, while the yam is eaten.

Red The Benefits of Sweet Potato

For Health Now do not ever again squandered a red sweet potato, because the properties more powerful than just maintaining eye health. A group of antioxidants that are stored in the red sweet potato afford blocking rate of destruction of cells by free radicals. Therefore yams red may prevent memory decline and dementia, coronary heart disease, and cancer. Plus other healthy bonus included keeps us young. Sweet potato which include tubers cost is rarely included in the menu of our families, whereas in the Western kitchen, the sweet potato is excellent. In celebration of the day
great big, like Christmas and Thanksgiving Day, the US population commonly made exclusive dish of sweet potato like cake, pastries, pure complementary steak or salad, ice cream, puddings, muffins, souffle, pancakes, croquettes, cream soups, or as a topping of grilled dishes

"Red" is rich in beta-carotene sign. We know there are several types of potatoes sweet. The most common are white sweet potato. In addition there is also a purple or red. Even so-called red sweet potato, true color flesh is not red, but yellow to orange. Why choose the red one? Compared with white sweet potato, potato texture red sweet is more watery and less sandy, but more
soft. It does not seem as sweet as white sugar when levels are no different. White sweet potato contains 260 mkg (869 SI) of beta-carotene per 100 grams, red potatoes are golden yellow saved mkg 2900 (SI 9675) beta-carotene, red-orange yams 9900 mkg (SI 32967).

Purple color deepened. the higher the levels of beta carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A in the body.A cup of red steamed sweet potato that has been pulverized store SI 50000 beta-carotene, beta-carotene content in the equivalent of 23 cups of broccoli, encouraging boiling only destroy 10% levels of beta-carotene, while frying or roasting in the oven is only 20%. However, the drying removes almost half the content of beta-carotene, approximately 40%. Eating a serving of red sweet potato steamed / boiled already meet the recommended adequacy of vitamin A 2100 - 3600 mkg day.

Backed Forces Nutrition Substances Other Than beta-carotene, the orange on potato The sweet was also signaled by the high content of compounds lutein and zeaxantin, couples carotenoid antioxidants. Both include color pigments chlorophyll is a kind of vitamin A. Lutein and zeaxantin an active compound that has an important role hinder the process of cell destruction. Red sweet potato is also rich in vitamin E.

The Benefits of Sweet Potato

2/3 cup of steamed red potatoes are crushed obtained intake vitamin E to meet daily needs. One medium fruit (100 g) potatoes red sweet steamed only contains 118 calories, 1/4 calorie piece of black forest cake. Other nutrients in red sweet potato is potassium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamin B6. If eaten raw red sweet potato donate enough vitamin C.

Eating 1 medium fruit raw red sweet potato has met 42% recommendation adequacy of vitamin C a day. Compared with oats (oatmeal), yams red is richer in fiber, particularly oligosaccharides. Eating red sweet potato 2-3 times a week to help ensure sufficient fiber. When eaten together skin fibers contribute more.

The efficacy of provitamin A beta-carotene efficacy of red sweet potato as "Eye medicine" has been proven in Jayawijaya. Initially 0.5% population suffer from spotting (xerophthalmia), chalk white patches on corneas. A vitamin deficiency diseases can cause blindness. After their habit of eating sweet potato leaves nobody red following more patients. Another benefit of red sweet potato to control the production of hormones pineal gland produces melatonine in the brain. Melatonin is an antioxidant that reliably maintain the health of brain cells and the nervous system, as wellas if there is damage. Less intake of vitamin A inhibits the production of melatonin and lower brain function
so it appears from sleep disorders and memory loss. limitation melatonin production decreases the production of endocrine hormones, so immune system degenerate. These conditions facilitate the occurrence of infections and accelerate the pace of the aging process. Red sweet potato abundant vitamin A & E can optimize the production of the hormone melatonin. Diligently eating red sweet potato, memory acuity and the freshness of the skin and organs remain intact. Its unique combination of vitamin A (Beta-carotene) and vitamin E in the red sweet potato cooperate dispels
stroke and heart attack.

Beta carotene prevent stroke while vitamin E prevents red sweet potato blockage in the blood vessels, so the emergence heart attacks can be prevented. These benefits are also supported by the fiber content in the red sweet potato. Most of the red sweet potato fiber is soluble fiber, which work
Similar foam sponge. Fiber absorbs excess fat / cholesterol, so fat / cholesterol in the blood remains secure and under control. natural fibers oligosaccharides stored in red sweet potato is now a
value commodities in the enrichment of processed food products, such as milk.

In addition to preventing constipation, flatulence oligosaccharides ease. Only on a very sensitive person oligosaccharides resulting in bloating.

The Benefits of Sweet Potato

Not Eligible underrated red Sweet potato is a tuber contains antioxidant compounds most complete. Even vitamin A, C, and E, red sweet potato is also abundant in vitamin B6) pyridoxine) plays an important role in supporting the immune system. Outside estimates of many red sweet potato with vitamin B6 her capable of controlling acne seasonal appeared before menstruation. It seems that almost all the nutrients contained in the red sweet potato support its ability to combat
coronary heart attack. Conclusion of a study says potassium in red potatoes cut 40% risk of developing hypertensive patients fatal stroke.

While excessive blood pressure is down 25%. If so in fact, now never again underestimate the red sweet potato. Enjoy anytime we like, while fostering benefits.